Saturday, July 21, 2012

my plant list

I put together a list of the varieties of vegetables, herbs and fruits I am growing this year.

Asparagus, Jersey Supreme
Asparagus, Purple Passion
Beans, Bush, Provider
Beans, Bush, Royal Burgundy
Beans, Bush French filet, Maxibel
Beans, Bush Italian flat, Jumbo
Beans, Bush Italian flat, Roma
Beans, Pole, Orient Wonder
Beans, Pole, Scarlet Emporer
Beans, Pole, Shung Wang's Beans, seeds given to me, I save and grow each year
Beets, Pink, Chiogga Guardsmark
Beets, Red, Bull's Blood
Beets, Red, Cylindra
Beets, Red, Early Wonder
Beets, Red, Red Ace
Beets, Red, Round Red Merlin
Beets, White, Blankoma
Beets, White, White Detroit
Broccoli, Diplomat
Cabbage, Napa, Mini Kisaku
Cabbage, Pac Choi, Extra Dwarf
Cabbage, Pac Choi, Mei Qing Choi
Cabbage, Pac Choi, Win-Win Choi
Cabbage, Pac Choi, Wong Bok
Cabbage, Red, Super Red 80
Cabbage, Savoy, Alcosa
Carrots, Bolero
Carrots, Mokum
Cauliflower, Little Cloud Hybrid
Celery, Tango
Cucumber, Boston Pickling
Cucumber, Diva
Cucumber, North Carolina Pickling
Cucumber, Sooyow Nishiki
Cucumber, Straight 8
Cucumber, Sweet Success
Cucumber, Tokiwa
Eggplant, Black King Hybrid
Eggplant, Kamo
Eggplant, Tiger
Endive, Dubuisson
Endive, Olesh Tres Fine
Escarole, Broadleaf Batavian
Escarole, Natacha
Fennel, Perfection
Garlic, Hardneck, Duganski
Garlic, Hardneck, Music
Herb, Basil, Nufar
Herb, Borage
Herb, Chives (perennial)
Herb, Cliantro, Calypso
Herb, Dill, Mammoth
Herb, Oregano (perennial)
Herb, Parsley, Giant of Italy
Herb, Rosemary (perennial in coldframe)
Herb, Sage (perennial)
Herb, Thyme (perennial)
Kale, Blue Curled Scotch
Kale, Green Curled Winterbor
Kale, Tuscan
Leeks, Giant Musselburgh
Lettuce, Butterhead Green, Ermosa
Lettuce, Butterhead Green, Victoria
Lettuce, Butterhead Red, Red Cross
Lettuce, Butterhead Red, Skyphos
Lettuce, Looseleaf Green, Black Seeded Simpson
Lettuce, Looseleaf Green, Green Oak Leaf
Lettuce, Looseleaf Red, Oaky Red Splash
Lettuce, Looseleaf Red, Red Sails
Lettuce, Romaine, Rouge d'Hiver
Lettuce, Romaine, Winter Density
Lettuce, Summer Crisp Green, Nevada
Lettuce, Summer Crisp Red, Teide
Onions, Guardsman Bunching
Onions, Pontiac
Parsnips, Javelin
Peas, Shelling, Maxigolt
Peas, Shelling, Strike
Peas, Snap, Cascadia
Peas, Snap, Sugar Ann
Peas, Snow, Oregon Giant
Peppers, Amelia's Cayenne, seeds from a friend, I save and grown each year
Peppers, Ancho 211
Peppers, Nardello
Peppers, Numex Joe E Parker
Peppers, Sweet Canary Bell
Peppers, Thai Hot
Potatoes, Adirondack Red
Potatoes, German Butterball
Potatoes, Katahdin
Potatoes, Russet Burbank
Radicchio, Chiogga Red Preco #1
Soy Beans, Green, Butterbean
Soy Beans, Green, Envy
Spinach, Bloomsdale Long Standing
Spinach, Spargo
Summer Squash, Patty Pan, Starship
Summer Squash, Yellow Crookneck
Summer Squash, Zephyr
Summer Squash, Zucchini Costata Romanesco
Sweet Potatoes, I sprout and grow a variety of supermarket sweets or mine from the previous year
Tomato, Beefsteak
Tomato, Brandywine
Tomato, Cherokee Purple
Tomato, New Girl
Tomato, Orange Blossom
Tomato, Oxheart Red
Tomato, Pink Beauty
Tomato, Purple Calabash
Tomato, San Marzano Gigante 3
Tomato, Sun Gold Cherry
Winter Squash, Buttercup (Burgess Strain)
Winter Squash, Waltham Butternut

Apple, Dwarf Fuji
Blueberries, Bluecrop
Fig, Negronne (potted)
Lemon, Meyer (potted)
Pear, Bartlett
Pear, Kieffer
Raspberries, unknown red variety
Rhubarb, a green stemmed variety
Strawberries, Alpine Red
Strawberries, unknown large red variety


Michelle @ Give a Girl a Fig said...

This is an incredible list. I was just taking a little quiet time earlier going through catalogs in preparation for next year. Are all of your choices heirloom? I am wanting to make the switch to all heirloom for seed saving purposes but I am not sure which varieties are good producers. I think a lot of it will be trial and far Green Zebra does well for us and Mr Stripey and Big Rainbow do NOT. :)

kathy said...

All are not heirloom as I like the high productivity of some of the hibreeds. I have never saved tomato seeds, because they save so long and I need so few. I am still figuring out my favorites.

I save four vegetable varieties so far, one pepper (a cayenne), one bean (an unusual Chinese pole bean), my garlic (mostly Duganski)and sweet potatoes.

Would love to save cukes, but I think these cross-hybridize and I like to grow many varieties.

I am meaning to look into the sunflowers. I have some really nice varieties I would like to save if I can get them before the goldfinches.

Anonymous said...

What a list! Fantastic variety.

I didn't do a garden this year, because of various family health crises in the spring and a new job with a grueling schedule. I'm kicking myself, because it's been so hot, I know I could've grown some good melons. Next year, perhaps.

Would love to see some new pics of Skippy!